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Merge Aesthetics and Functionality with Lighting Control

New Year, New Lighting Possibilities from Next Tech Systems

Elegance meets innovation in Beverly Hills, and home lighting has become an exciting way to enhance the look and feel of any home with a simple button tap.

Gone are the days when lights were just a utility. Now, lighting control is integral to home aesthetics and functionality, making it possible to elevate living experiences while illuminating spaces.

Keep reading to highlight the possibilities of better home lighting with Next Tech Systems!

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Lighting Design Basics

Historically, home lighting was straightforward and functional, with little thought about its aesthetic impact. However, as technology advanced, so did the modern approach to lighting. It’s all about creating an ambiance that complements your lifestyle, harmonizing style and comfort.

Three types of lighting play crucial roles in this transformation:

Ambient Lighting

Foundational to a home’s lighting plan, ambient lighting provides a comfortable level of brightness that fills a space without being too harsh. It’s the soft overhead lights that greet you when you enter a room.

Task Lighting

As the name suggests, task lighting is used to illuminate specific areas for tasks like reading, cooking, or working. A well-placed task light in a work-from-home office can make all the difference in productivity and comfort, and under-cabinet kitchen lighting makes prepping dinner safer, too.

Accent Lighting

This is where style and highlighting shine. Showcase art, highlight architectural features, or create depth and drama with accent lighting. It’s perfect for adding a dramatic effect and can set the tone for any gathering.

Integrating Lighting Control for Enhanced Aesthetics

Harmonizing these different lighting types throughout your living spaces is at the heart of lighting control technology! Adjust brightness levels to suit the occasion or time of day, all with the touch of a button, a simple voice command, or a pre-scheduled operation. Imagine dimming the lights for a movie night or setting the perfect ambiance for a dinner party effortlessly within seconds!

Lighting Control as a Functional Asset

Beyond aesthetics, lighting control systems offer practical benefits as well. Enjoy better energy efficiency by keeping lights on only when needed and automatically turning off when they’re not. 

Homeowners in the greater LA area should also consider the security perks of better lighting, both indoors and outside. Simulate occupancy by keeping rooms bright but on a schedule whenever you’re away from home, and keep outdoor areas alit to enhance safety and deter criminals.

Lifestyle and Comfort with Lighting Control

The impact of well-designed lighting control on lifestyle and comfort is profound. Being able to tailor living spaces to fit your needs can make you feel great while your home looks great, too. 

From waking up to soft, gradually brightening bedroom lights to having the perfect dining ambiance on date night, managing lighting adds ease and elegance to daily life like never before possible.

If you’re in the Beverly Hills region and have been looking for a way to elevate your daily routines, consider smart technology solutions like lighting control. Call our team or chat with us at the bottom of your screen to get started with an innovative new way to light your property.

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